3 Ways To Avoid Overheating This Summer

With temperatures already reaching 80 degrees in the Tri-state area, it’s important for residents to have reliable HVAC contractors in South Jersey, Pennsylvania, and the nearby areas. 2015 marked the hottest Philadelphia summer (June-August) on record. Similar temperatures this year are very plausible.


Your first thought may have just been to panic. Don’t.




The anxiety you feel thinking about 95-degree weather is not nearly as bad as the feeling you get when your air conditioner dies in mid-July. Don’t let that happen. Be prepared. Take action to prevent being hot-boxed inside your home.

Here are three ways to avoid overheating this summer:


  1. Routine Checkups – Keep your HVAC components on a regular maintenance schedule. We recommend having a specialist (like Cold 1 Services) evaluate your AC units before May. We also encourage clients to have their heaters checked by September (at the latest.) Routine checkups, similar to healthy doctor visits, make sure you avoid issues down the road.

  2. Immediate Repairs – Let’s say you ignored tip #1. If you forgot to have your proactive HVAC services before summer hits, that’s more reason to have immediate repairs at the first warning sign. Consider yourself lucky if it’s just a small leak or a low level of refrigerant. Have it fixed by a trained technician so you won’t have to replace it later. Our expert team of techs can repair leaks and test them to make sure they will hold up for the entire summer.

  3. Emergency Installations – Ok, ok, ok. So you ignored steps one and two, huh?! It’s OK. Instead of saying “I told you so” (which I guess I just did), I am going to let you in on a little secret. Cold 1 Services offers 24/7 emergency services for heating and air conditioning around Cherry Hill and South Jersey. Even better, we do not charge overtime rates.


In fact, our rates are always affordable. Plus we have coupons ranging from 10% off to $100 off, which are all listed at www.cold1services.com. For more information, check out the website or call our experts at 856-375-1472 today!


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