SEER Ratings Explained

Your Local Philadelphia HVAC Contractors 

As the summer sun heats up, so does the demand for efficient and powerful air conditioning.  But with a variety of air conditioner (AC) units available,  selecting the right one for your home can feel overwhelming.  One crucial factor to consider is the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) rating. Our HVAC contractors at Cold 1 Services are here to break down what you need to know. 

What is a SEER Rating?

The SEER rating is a standardized measure of an AC unit’s cooling efficiency.  It reflects the ratio of cooling output (in BTUs) over a typical cooling season to the electrical energy input (in watt-hours) required to produce that cooling.  In simpler terms, a higher SEER rating indicates a more efficient AC unit – it uses less energy to deliver the same amount of cooling.

Why is a High SEER Rating Important?

There are several compelling reasons to prioritize a high SEER rating when choosing a new AC unit:


Energy Savings: A high-SEER AC unit translates to significant energy cost savings on your monthly utility bills. Over the lifespan of the unit, these savings can accumulate to a substantial amount.


Environmental Benefits: By using less energy, high-SEER AC units contribute to a smaller carbon footprint and a more environmentally friendly cooling solution.


Increased Comfort: High-SEER units often operate at variable speeds, providing more consistent and comfortable cooling throughout your home compared to traditional single-stage units.


Potential Rebates and Tax Credits: Many government programs and utility companies offer rebates and tax credits for purchasing high-SEER AC units, further reducing the upfront cost.

Understanding SEER Rating Minimums

The minimum SEER rating required for new AC units varies depending on location and the type of unit.  The U.S. Department of Energy sets the minimum standards, which gradually increase over time to promote energy efficiency.  It’s important to consult with a qualified HVAC technician like the experts at Cold 1 Services to determine the specific minimum SEER rating applicable to your area.

Additional Factors to Consider

While SEER is a major factor, it’s not the only consideration when choosing a new AC unit. Here are some additional points to keep in mind:


Size and Capacity: The size and capacity of the AC unit should be appropriate for the square footage of your home and its insulation levels. An oversized unit will cycle on and off too frequently, reducing efficiency, while an undersized unit will struggle to keep your home cool.


System Features: Consider features like variable-speed operation, which provides more consistent cooling, or two-stage operation, which allows the unit to adjust its cooling power based on demand.


Installation Quality: A poorly installed AC unit can significantly impact its efficiency and performance. Ensure your new AC unit is installed by a qualified and experienced HVAC technician like the professionals at Cold 1 Services.

Contact Our Philadelphia HVAC Contractors Today! 

Contact Cold 1 Services today for a consultation and discover how a high-SEER AC unit can keep your home cool and comfortable all summer long, while saving you money on energy bills and reducing your environmental impact.  



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